Traffic Analysis of STRRAT Malware

Security Posture
6 min readAug 19, 2024




Lab Environment
  1. Kali Linux: This is where I will be using Wireshark to analyze the PCAP file.
  2. Ubuntu: I will use Ubuntu to access my Security Onion VM through ssh.
  3. Security Onion: This is what I will use to analyze the PCAP further. Security Onion is an open-source SIEM that allows you to monitor network intrusions, network visibility, and log management.

For the lab environment, you will be good to go with a minimum of 16GB of RAM and 100 to 150GB of hard disk space.


malware traffic analysis task

The first thing I did was to find out the number of active hosts on the network. Knowing this will help narrow your scope, helping you to be more decisive as to whose account was compromised. I do this by going to ipv4 statistics under the statistics tab in Wireshark. This will give you a list of all the IP addresses that communicated on the network. With this, you will know which IPs are in use.

ip addresses in use

Using the data from the LAN segment given to us, we can conclude that the user at was compromised.

MAC Address lookup

The next step would be to find who is at so we can notify them about the breach and perform security awareness training for them. The task given to us, says we need to get the user’s MAC address. MAC addresses are on the second layer of the OSI model, so can find it in the ethernet section.

MAC Address of user

The MAC address of the user at is 00:1e:64:ec:f3:08 and doing a MAC address lookup on the OUI tells us our user uses an Intel chipset.

Finding Hostname

Finding the hostname would require us to check either DHCP or NBNS services as these services carry hostnames in their packets.

hostname of compromised user

The hostname of the compromised user’s computer is DESKTOP — SKBR25F

Windows User Account Name

The username of a user would only be present in an active directory environment, and this is one. To see the Windows user account name, we would have to filter on Kerberos services.

username of victim

Filtering on Kerberos, we find the compromised user account to be ccollier’s. This is very important in incidence response because with this we can not only organize targeted security awareness training for ccollier and his department, but we also have an idea of the attacker’s attack vector. Is ccollier a C-Suite executive, admin, supervisor, worker with privileged access, or an intern? What department does he work in? Finance, Support, Maintenance, Human Resource…?

Indicators of Compromise

After taking an enormous amount of time to go through the packets captured in the network by filtering on different services like HTTP, SMB, FTP, DNS… I was able to identify the indicators of compromise. However, I would like to point to the fact that, I only had assumptions on the IoCs until I used Security Onion to analyze the PCAP file for me.

The Malicious Activity

The malicious activity of the STRRAT malware was hidden in plain site as communication was specifically crafted to bypass pure visual inspection but thanks to Security Onion, identifying this activity was easy. Looking at the traffic, the victim happened to navigate to github and then communicated with the subdomain objects[.]githubusercontent[.]com.

STRRAT activity 01

Checking the domain objects[.]githubusercontent[.]com, it gives us a red flag verifying its malicious activity.

IoC of STRRAT malware

Looking into the traffic, we see it calls out to With the help of Security Onion once again, I knew why it made that call. was used to get the external IP address of ccollier’s computer.

Security Onion ‘s Alert

Looking at the JSON file that was downloaded after ccollier’s contact, we can see it was used to do some kind of location tracking on ccollier.

ip-api’s download

After this, ccollier’s computer started communicating with the C2 server of STRRAT. STRRAT was using the TCP protocol on port 12132 for exfiltrating data, this method provides stealth as an advantage. TCP allows for persistent, long-lived connections between the malware and its C2 server, enabling ongoing communication and control without the need to frequently re-establish connections, which could raise alarms.

STRRAT preferred TCP over HTTP because HTTP traffic is commonly inspected by web proxies, firewalls, and security appliances that can detect and block malicious behavior. Using raw TCP, STRRAT can bypass these filters, as many security tools are primarily focused on inspecting HTTP/HTTPS traffic. TCP communication can blend in with other legitimate traffic on the network, making it less likely to raise suspicion compared to HTTP, which is more commonly scrutinized.

STRRAT’s activity on the network

Looking at the IP address used to communicate with STRRAT and decoding the data in the TCP segment of STRRAT’S activity confirms it is a malicious activity.

ip address of STRRAT

I was able to use base64decode to decode some of the contents and I believe STRRAT was enumerating ccollier’s computer looking for sensitive documents.

STRRAT’s network activity

Decoding some of these base64 encoded strings proves ccollier was enumerating the computer.

Decoded base64 string

For our indicators of compromise, we have the C2 communication to on port 12132 using the TCP protocol carrying in its data segment a keyword “STRRAT “along with the exfiltrated data.

Looking up STRRAT, I found its attack vector to be phishing. Once fallen for, a PDF file is downloaded which has a download link in it. If clicked will download a zip file which when opened runs a JS that decrypts the STRRAT malware.

But in our case, ccollier probably downloaded this malware from objects[.]guthubusercontent[.]com and ran the payload by opening it. So we can conclude that at 02:39 UTC on 30th July 2024, ccollier was infected with STRRAT malware.

Ending Note

After analyzing this malware, I learned a few things about traffic analysis. The first is never giving up. While looking for the indicators of compromise, I checked most of the IPs and domains against services like VirusTotal, Cisco’s Talos, UrlHaus… and a majority of them came clean. Using Security Onion for a cross-examination gave me the needed boost.

The second will be checking the TCP protocol for malicious activity. Most times when I analyze malicious traffic, common protocols like HTTP and DNS give out the iocs easily, but with this analysis, I had to go deeper than the common protocols known to me.

